Regular horse racing advice from experts, featuring free racing tips to increase your chances of success!
UK Horse Racing Betting Advice
Free racing tips and analysis to get you ahead of the field in horse racing.
Ooo aahhh - Just a little bit about us...
Horseplays exists solely to give fellow racing enthusiasts that vital edge in the complex and tricky world of punting in the form of horse racing betting advice, race analysis and free racing tips.
Make no mistake, we've been doing this a long time and finding success in the sport of kings is exceptionally hard - with or without the required expertise.
At the end of the day, horses are not robots (unless they are horse robots) and therefore on any given day they can perform indifferently and it may be for no other reason than waking up on the wrong side of the stable one morning.
We believe though that although sometimes picking a horse because of its colour, name or maybe just because you 'fancy it' (in a strictly platonic way, of course), can get you so far - skill, respect, knowledge, perseverance and discipline (in almost equal measures) can give you that extra push towards long term profit and in turn a boost over your fellow punters and the bookies too!
Thoughts for the day's racing and potential betting selections will appear regularly in our advice section of Horseplays.
We certainly won't be posting every day - only when we think there is something worth talking about and not just simply for the sake of it!
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For the more serious racing connoisseurs amongst us, we also run a subscription service that competes in the Tipster League.
Thanks for reading, remember NOTHING is ever guaranteed in racing and most importantly, may the horse be with you!
The Horseplays team
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UK Racing Insight & Betting Advice